dissabte, 27 de desembre del 2014


Cochlea project is a collaborative project open   to everyone which the volunteers will try develop a documentation (pdf, audiovisual...) using ICTwhich  should be used by the schools for awareness the adolescent students about the health hearing consequencies (hyperacusis, tinnitus, hearing loss) because of noise exposure and how avoid them.

Flandes do health hearing awareness (hyperacusis) in their schools:
1- http://www.lne.be/themas/natuur-en-milieueducatie/algemeen/educatief-materiaal/gehoorschade

B) Possible tasks to do:

1-Do an audiovisual which contain scientific  fundamentals about four ear trastorns: tinnitus, hyperacusis, hearing loss and ear muscle dysfunction. The audiovisual  should be appropriate for be visualised in a diferents subjects in the school (biology, music, natural sciences...)
2-Subtitle  "Ruis" film in catalan  https://vimeo.com/56683271
3-Translate the documents which are connected with "Ruís" film:
      -Protagonist history.
      -Questionnaire for the students.
4-Do an informative pamphlet

  If you are interested in collaborate writte an email: cochleaproject@gmail.com


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